Portuguese Translation Services for Any Document

Searching for Portuguese document translation for certified documents that are accurate and convey your brand’s meaning flawlessly? Tomedes has the answer, and we’ve offered our Portuguese translation service for over fifteen years.

Our relentless team of language professionals uses the most tech-driven machine translation combined with human post-editing for immaculate results in both quality and efficiency. With our 1-year guarantee, your project is covered for revisions at no extra cost.

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    95,000 Business Customers

English To Portuguese Translation Services With Tech-Driven Machine Translation

There is a reason we have a customer satisfaction rating of 98% for our Portuguese document translation services. Our client’s satisfaction is at the heart of our philosophy, and we strive to broaden your horizons with every Portuguese to English document translation.

We understand when deadlines are yesterday, and that’s why we offer expedited, same-day delivery on every translation. Your certified translation services from Portuguese to English are always on time and budget and we guarantee it.

ISO-Certified Translation Services

  • ISO 9001:2015

    Quality Management Systems

  • ISO 17100:2015

    Translation Services Quality

  • ISO 18587:2017

    Post-editing Machine Translation Output

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Tomedes takes pride in 95,000+ satisfied customers, around the globe, a number that includes several Fortune 500 companies. We have a 4.9 out of 5 aggregate star rating from1,798 online reviews.


Want to try our cost-effective translation service? You can get a quick, free, and no-commitment quote.

English To Portuguese Translation Services

At Tomedes, we hire only the best English to Portuguese translators, and with our rigorous standards of training, your translation is guaranteed to be precise. We continually monitor our linguists for professionalism, skills, and customer satisfaction because we want the best for you. We’ve had over 15 years of experience helping businesses make the move to global expansion, so our English to Portuguese translation service reflects this idiom. We understand the need for our US-based Portuguese clients to require certified legal or financial Portuguese to English document translation in order to conduct business, and we’ve solved communication barriers by accurate document translation that conveys meaning properly to a target language.

Portuguese To English Translation Services

For our Portuguese to English document translation of documents, your project is never completed by one individual linguist, but an entire management team of over 20,000 professional translators, linguists, and localizers.

Our clients include some of the largest tech businesses in the world, including Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Wix. They trust us to convey their brands in accurate and timely translations. For Portuguese natives to compete in the financial markets of today, they require that we translate documents from Portuguese to English, and many transactions could include hundreds of documents.

For these large projects, we offer the latest machine translations combined with human post-editing, and by using this platform, your translations are done quickly and with supreme accuracy.

Our Portuguese Translation Services

We offer an array of services in nearly every sector for Portuguese to English translation services, and they are driven by the latest AI technology ISO 18587:2017 for machine translation and post-editing.  Our machine translation expertise is unparalleled in the industry, and we prove it with every translation.

Our English to Portuguese translators have handled some of the largest jobs in the market and they’ve done so with professionalism and efficiency every time. With our 24/7 customer support, our customers know that we hold their satisfaction at the core of our philosophy.


The world of finance in Portuguese translation services has seen dramatic changes in the last few years, and it’s an exciting time for new digital technologies like cryptocurrency and the crypto-insurance market.

Investors dealing with large digital training platforms must protect their investments from fraud, and they ask us to translate Portuguese documents to English. We understand the financial rules, markets, and legalities. The burgeoning crypto-insurance market is designed to protect investors’ capital, yet often hundreds of documents are required.

For sensitive financial documents in crypto-insurance, our certified Portuguese translation is a popular option. Our certified Portuguese translations are guaranteed to be accepted at private and public entities in any country, and we provide you with the official Tomedes seal of certified translation so you can easily prove you’ve met the requirements.


The legal system is complex and full of concise language. Our English to Portuguese document translation services use skilled translators that completely understand the legal system inside and out. They know the codes and laws of both countries and make certain your documents are accurately conveyed in the target language.

Mistakes from Portuguese translators have no place in legal procedures, as errors can be detrimental to businesses or individuals. Our quality assurance team carefully reviews the final translation, so no mistakes are present and your legal proceeding goes as planned.

More About Document Translation And Language

 To translate a document from Portuguese to English, our translators take great pride in researching the fine details about the language. Portuguese is one of the most important spoken languages in the world.

It’s the sixth most spoken language and it’s spoken all over the world. It is a common misunderstanding that Portuguese is only spoken in Portugal and Brazil. Yet, it’s the official language of nine different countries. These include Portugal, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, and many others.

Trivia About Portuguese

Many populous countries such as Brazil and Mozambique have Portuguese as their official language, and it’s one of the reasons our English to Portuguese translation services are so popular and needed.

The Fastest Growing Language

Because of the enormous number of Portuguese speakers around the world, it’s the sixth most spoken language on the planet. Its distribution across South America, Europe, Asia, and Africa is increasing every year, and it has the potential to be an international communication language.

When the Islamic Moors from North Africa and the Middle East conquered Portugal and Spain in the eighth century, a variation of Arabic was the official language of the Iberian Peninsula until the Reconquista of the 13th century. The Portuguese language received a large influence from Arabic, and many words from Arabic remain in everyday conversation. Words like azeitona (olive), garrafa (bottle), and almofada (cushion) are good examples.

The Longest Word

If you thought the English word antidisestablishmentarianism with 28 letters was the largest word, the Portuguese word anticonstitucionalíssimamente, which means “in a very unconstitutional way,” is the longest non-technical word in the Portuguese language, with 29 letters.

When Portuguese spread to the world, it led to many of its words finding their way into the English language. The words “embarrass,” which comes from the Portuguese embaraçar, to tie in knots, and “fetish,” from feitiço, meaning a charm or sorcery are examples.

Portuguese has two different verbs: the situations ser and estar. Ser is for permanent, unwavering examples, and estar is for temporary situations like weather or mood. It’s not without flaws, as by using these rules, the Portuguese language says that marriage is permanent and unchanging, so, using ser casado instead of estar casado.

Commonly Translated Portuguese Phrases

As our Portuguese translators are often asked for help on some of the most basic words and phrases, we’ve included some of the most common below.

Como vai? – How is it going?

Fala inglês? – Do you speak English?

Eu queria uma mesa – I’d like a table

Alguém aqui fala inglês? – Does anyone speak English?

         Como chego ao ponto de ônibus? – How do I get to the bus stop?

Tudo bem? – How are you?

Para onde vai esse trem? – Where does this train go?

Moco – Waiter

Eu queria o menu, por favor – I’d like a menu, please

Para beber queria – To drink I would like

O que você recomenda? – What would you recommend?

Queria – I’d like

Para comer queria – To eat I would like

A conta, por favor – The bill please

Queria pagar – I would like to pay

Como chego a estacao de trem?– How do I get to the train station?

Para onde vai esse ônibus? – Where does this bus go?

Onde posso encontrar um táxi? – Where can I find a taxi?

Não falo muito português – I speak a little Portuguese

Preciso praticar meu português – I need to practice my Portuguese

Como chego ao/a - How do I get to (place)? Portuguese is a gendered language so, you use “ao” if it is masculine and “a '' if it is feminine.

Ao lado de – Next to

Onde está ___? Where is (place)

Perto – Near

Longe – Far

É perto/longe? – Is it near/Is it far?

Esquerda – Left

Pode dizer outra vez? – Can you say that again?

Não compreendo – I don’t understand

Não entendi – I don’t understand what you said

Entendi – I understand

Fale mals devagar, por favor – Please speak slowly

Como se diz _____em Português? – How do you say ____ in Portuguese?

O que quer dizer _____  em inglês? What does ____ mean in English?

Como vai você? – How are you?

Eu não sei – I don’t know

Eu estour bem e tú? – I’m good, how are you?

Estou bem, obrigado – I’m fine, thanks

Contact Us for A Portuguese Translator

 Are you ready to launch your official translation from Portuguese to English? With our 24/7 customer support, we are available at any time during your translation to address any concerns. With our 1-year guarantee, our certified translation of English to Portuguese is covered for any revisions at no extra cost.

We get your meaning and make certain our professional translators convey your brand to your target audience. With Tomedes, it’s not just a single linguist behind your project, but over 20,000 vendors all with the same goal: your complete satisfaction and the highest quality, real-time translations.

Why not contact us today? We’d be happy to discuss your aspirations, dreams, and business specifics.

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