Chinese Translation Services for Any Medium of Document

Chinese translation services for any document type and medium. Translate and certify your documents to and from Chinese or 120 more languages. Our team of native Chinese translators have translated thousands of documents whether for official or professional use.

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    95,000 Business Customers

Chinese Translation Services for the Global Market Trusted by 95,000 Satisfied Customers

In the expanding world of global markets, there’s never been a better time for our Chinese translation services. We get your meaning and help you convey your brand to an international audience. Behind every professional Chinese translation is our tech-driven team of language professionals who all have one goal: your complete customer satisfaction and accurate translations. There’s a reason thousands of customers trust Tomedes, and with our 98% customer satisfaction rating and 1-year revision guarantee, you know your professional Chinese translation is safe with us.

ISO-Certified Translation Services

  • ISO 9001:2015

    Quality Management Systems

  • ISO 17100:2015

    Translation Services Quality

  • ISO 18587:2017

    Post-editing Machine Translation Output

See what our customers
think about our translation services

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Tomedes takes pride in 95,000+ satisfied customers, around the globe, a number that includes several Fortune 500 companies. We have a 4.9 out of 5 aggregate star rating from1,798 online reviews.


Want to try our cost-effective translation service? You can get a quick, free, and no-commitment quote.

English To Chinese Translation

There are 1.3 billion speakers of Chinese and its many varieties around the world, and more than 2 million of them are in the United States. You might be missing a big chunk of potential audience if you’re not translating to this language. Whether you have set up a branch of your business in China, or you're a military officer stationed in Shanghai, an advertising agency with a Chinese audience, or any other business, company or agency, English to Chinese translation is becoming a highly demanded service. English to Chinese translation is not an easy task to conquer, and yet the need for Chinese translators is growing rapidly. More and more, businesses, agencies and individuals need Chinese document translation for websites, services, or to communicate with their Chinese business partners, target audiences, or employees. 

All our English to Chinese business translations come with our 3 ISO certifications, which means that your translation projects are up to standard all the time. Our machine translation expertise spans over 15 years, and we’ve worked with some of the giants in tech such as Microsoft, Google, Amazon, and YouTube.

In the world of digital finance, we understand our Chinese customers require important documents to be understood in other countries, and we’ve solved the issue with our Chinese document translation service for cryptocurrency, blockchain, and insurance documents.

Certified documents from English to Chinese translation service are guaranteed to be accepted at any public or private institution worldwide, and all our translations come with Tomedes’ seal of certified translation for instant proof in your jurisdiction.

Chinese To English Translation

Tens of thousands of Chinese immigrants arrive in the US each year. For this reason, most of the requests we receive for Chinese to English translation include the transfer of Chinese birth certificates, translation of business proposals, web content, or other official and practical documents, Chinese to English translation continues to be in constant high demand.

There is also a huge demand for Chinese translation service for business documents related to commerce exchange between North America and China. Our translators are equipped with industry specific skills in not only business, but also law, medical data, technology, and many others that often come with technical terms, and require technical Chinese translation. No matter what the industry or the nature of your document, we can provide you with accurate Chinese document translation. To get a free quote for a Chinese document translation, simply choose your language from the menu on the left, upload or fill in your text, and you'll be given an estimate in just seconds.

With our decades of international experience, our Chinese to English translation service offers document solutions in any language. We’ve served over 120 different languages and 950 language pairs, as well as nearly every industry.

Our Chinese academics often require an official Mandarin translation service so that transcripts, thesis, and courses can be understood in multiple languages. With our same-day delivery option, we know our professors won’t have to wait on vital documents to arrive.

With our 98% customer satisfaction rating, you can rest assured your project will be done right every time, and our 24/7 customer service team is with you all the way.

Our Chinese Translation Services

With our valuable Chinese document translation services, we’re proud to be front and center to profound new discoveries in virtually every industry. One of our goals is to make certain your meaning is understood in whatever language you’re doing business in and we meet this goal every day. Here are some of the diverse sectors we serve as well as our distinctive services.

Chinese Translation for Any Specialized Document

China is one of the biggest economic hubs in the world. As such, the need to translate documents representative of the size and complexity of China's economy is also huge. We at Tomedes pride ourselves in the years of experience translating documents of various shapes and sizes, and complexity. Our document translation services can handle any file type and industry. Some of the industries that entrust Tomedes with their documents include:


The financial market that we serve with our Chinese English translation service is one that is changing rapidly. With the burgeoning digital currency markets, the demand for clear documents that are understood in both origin and target countries are expanding.

That is why our financial translation services are constantly evolving, from financial documents to the newest financial tech trends. We stay adamant to provide you with up to date services every time. For every one transaction in the blockchain niche, there could be thousands of documents needed in a country. We make certain those documents are secure and arrive on time with our expedited, same-day service, and accurate translation services from Chinese to English.

We’ve translated every type of document such as trade spreadsheets, cryptocurrency, real estate deeds, and banking content for some of the largest Fortune 500 companies in the world.


Our commitment to quality service is especially evident for our partners in healthcare as we helped convert telemedicine for physicians to treat and educate patients and other doctors all over the world.

Our medical translation services allowed important medical courses to be taught to other professionals, and for new vaccine discoveries to be shared with Chinese hospitals. We translated hospital training guides, nursing brochures, medical facilities’ guides, surgical procedure guidelines, and so many other important documents.


If you’re looking to trade with China, make sure all your legal documents are in order. Here at Tomedes, we combine speed and accuracy so that every business deal is virtually hassle free. Our legal translation services are only provided by our team of legal translators who are well versed in legalities of trade and commerce. This is why we’re confident our legal translations are the best. 

Over the years, we have translated thousands of documents that are compliant to local and international regulations such as the WTO.

Technical Fields

China is the largest production and manufacturing hub in the world. Perhaps in no other country are our technical translations more important. From product specification sheets to production manuals, our technical translation services have seen it all. Our technical translators constantly educate themselves in the various fields of Engineering and applied sciences. 

Our technical translation services are powered by our tech-driven translation tools to ensure accurate documents are presented and understood in the target country. As always, our 24/7 customer support enables you to be in constant communication to our entire 20,000-vendor staff.

Certified Chinese Translation for Official Use

There are more than 2 million immigrants from China in the United States and tens of thousands arrive more each year. If you’re looking to study or settle in the US, you will need to translate and certify your personal documents to English. Our certified translation services will accurately translate your document and certify it for acceptance in any private or public institution. Over the years, we have translated thousands of birth certificates, marriage certificates, and other documents required by the USCIS.

More About The Chinese Language

For our English to Chinese translator service, our linguists understand every aspect of the language to get the most accurate translation possible. Chinese has over a billion speakers and is the most used native language in the world.

Trivia About Chinese

As a translation from English to Chinese service we understand your meaning and how to convey it in your target language. Here is some intriguing information about the Chinese language.

The Hardest Language To Learn

The Chinese language is one of the most difficult languages to master. Its writing system is different from its grammar and even punctuation, and there are a myriad of different sounds to imply meaning. Also, there are not many things that the Chinese have in common with English.

It takes years of work to be able to reach a natural fluency, and even then it’s rare to reach a good fluency. Typically, you must learn 3,000 characters to be considered fluent enough to read even the morning paper. To make things more complicated, the language consists of thousands of characters that make fluency a challenge.

The Sounds Of Chinese

The Chinese language also has a unique sound system and it’s filled with similar-sounding words. This also makes it difficult for a non-native speaker to differentiate between words and sound combinations.

In addition, the different tones are also very distinctive and very different for words and meaning. Since many non-native speakers have never been exposed to these distinctive sounds it’s often impossible for English speakers to know the differences.

This is one of the ways our English Chinese translation service gets 100% accuracy in its translations because conveying the meaning of these tones and sounds is vital when translating Chinese to English.

Commonly Translated Chinese Phrases

Our professional Chinese to English translation linguists are often asked to translate some of the most basic words and phrases. Here are a few.

  • 你好吗?Nǐhǎo ma? – How are you? (Nee haow ma)

  • 很好 Hěn hǎo – Good  (Hun haow)

  • 你好!Nǐhǎo – Hello! (Nee haow)

  • 还好 Hái hǎo – Pretty good (Hi haow)

  • 我叫__ Wǒ jiào__ – My name is… (Wor jyaow..)

  • 您贵姓?Nín guìxìng? – What is your surname? (Formal) (Neen gway shing)

  • 我姓__ Wǒ xìng__ – My surname is… (Wor shing)

  • 我三十岁 Wǒ sānshí suì – I’m thirty (years old) (Wor sun shrr sway)

  • 你多大?Nǐ duōdà? – How old are you?  (Nee dwor da)

  • 你叫什么名字?Nǐ jiào shénme míngzi? – What’s your name? (Informal) (Nee jyaow shun muh ming dzrr)

  • 你来自哪里?Nǐ láizì nǎli? – Where do you come from? (Nee lye dzrr na lee)

  • #25 不客气 Bù kèqì – You’re welcome (literally, “no need to be so polite”) (Boo kuh chee)

  • 非常感谢! Fēicháng gǎnxiè! – Thank you so much! (Fay chung gun shyeah)

  • 不用谢 Bù yòng xiè – You’re welcome (literally, “no need for thanks”) (Boo yong shyeah)

  • 晚上好 Wǎnshang hǎo – Good evening (Wun shung haow)

  • 不好意思 Bù hǎoyìsi – Excuse me, sorry (To get attention, for getting past, for mild apologies) (Boo haow yee srr)

  • 请问…? Qǐngwèn…? – Could I ask…? (A polite way to preface a question)  (Cheeng wun)

  •  麻烦你了Mǎfan nǐ le – Sorry to bother you (Ma fun nee luh)

  • 好的!Hǎo de! – OK! (Haow duh)

  • 对不起 Duìbuqǐ – Sorry (A more emphatic apology) (Dway boo chee)

  • 没问题 Méi wèntí – No problem (May wun tee)

  • 晚安 Wǎn’ān – Good night (Wun un)

  • 早上好 Zǎoshang hǎo – Good morning (Dzow shung haow)

Contact Us for a Chinese Translator

Are you ready to use our Chinese to English translation company to broaden your horizons? We’ve been helping companies in nearly every industry go global for over a decade and we can help you. Let our language team of over 20,000 vendors become your global partners. Our expert linguists are the best in the industry because of our stringent hiring process. We carefully assess their skills and customer service professionalism, so you always have the best team in the world. Our 24/7 customer support team is always here to answer any questions you might have. Why not contact us today? We’d love to hear your language challenge and your goals and expectations for your English to Mandarin translation services.

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